Decorative Lighting & Lamppost Beautification

In order to enhance the streetscape, we commenced a five-year "Decorative Lighting Replacement Programme" in 2018. Apart from replacing the existing lanterns with LED decorative lanterns to save energy, some existing road lights at selected MTR stations are refurbished with suitable styles to match and enhance the streetscape near the MTR stations.

The entire refurbishment works have been completed in end 2022 with more than 1,600 road lights at the streets near 40 different MTR stations (e.g. Che Kung Temple Station, Hang Hau Station, Tung Chung Station, etc.) replaced to decorative LED lights and lampposts to enhance the environment for the local citizens.

To further enhance the urban streetscape, the Highways Department further implements the beautification work for lampposts starting from 2021, covering streets with high pedestrian flow in urban areas. Lamppost beautification work includes repainting existing lampposts with paints of different colors, or affixing stickers with special design patterns to match the unique environment of the districts and enhance the local characteristics and streetscape. So far, the Highways Department has completed the beautification work for more than 10,500 lampposts in various districts.