
  1. The Forecast of Consultancies (the "Forecast") is published in good faith taking into consideration the construction industry's request. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "Government") does not guarantee that submission of expression of interest and/or technical and fee proposal(s) will be invited for any particular listed consultancy(ies), either at the time stated in the Forecast or at any time. The information published in the Forecast may be revised at any time. Consultants shall refer to the relevant invitation documents for the exact details of each consultancy. The Government will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of or reference to the information published in the Forecast.

  2. The preliminary date of inviting expression of interest / proposals in the Forecast refers to the probable date of inviting expression of interest from longlisted consultants for a consultancy if two-stage consultant selection process is adopted, or the probable date of inviting technical and fee proposals from an initial list of consultants for a consultancy if one-stage consultant selection process is adopted.

  3. The following abbreviations are used in the Forecast:


    1. Types of Consultancy Agreements
      FS Feasibility Study
      I Investigation
      D Design
      C Construction
      DC Design & Construction
    2. Categories of Architectural and Associated Consultants
      Arch Architectural
      BS Building Services
      BV Building Surveying
      LA Landscape Architectural
      QS Quantity Surveying
      SE Structural Engineering
      SP Specialists
    3. Categories of Engineering and Associated Consultants
      CE Civil Infrastructure and Development
      DS Drainage and Sewerage
      EM Electrical and Mechanical
      EP Environmental
      GE Geotechnical and Slope
      HY Roads and Associated Structures
      TP Town Planning
      TT Traffic and Transport
      WS Waterworks
      SP Specialists
    4. Other Information
      BIM Building Information Modelling
      NEC PSC New Engineering Contract Professional Service Contract
      TBC To be confirmed
      N.A. Not applicable