Contracts Awarded in Past 12 Months
January 2024 to December 2024
Contract No. |
Contract Title | Award Date (dd/mm/yyyy) |
Contractor Name |
Category & Group of Contractor |
Contract Sum ($M) |
HY/2023/12 | Dualling of Hiram's Highway from Marina Cove to Sai Kung Town (NEC4 ECC Option C, BIM) | 16/12/2024 | China State - AICL - CSCEL Joint Venture | RD Group C | 2189.236 |
HY/2024/09 | Provision of Universal Accessibility Facilities at Footbridges, Elevated Walkways and Subways – Package 8 Contract 1 (NEC4 ECC Option A, BIM) | 13/8/2024 | HV - CWE Joint Venture | RD Group C | 425.59 |
HY/2024/04 | Construction of Bus-Bus Interchange at Aberdeen Tunnel, Walkway Covers at Central & Western District and Kwai Tsing District (Remaining Works) and Footbridge across Tsui Ping Road (NEC4 ECC Option A, BIM) | 30/7/2024 | Chuen Shing Construction Limited | RD Group A&B | 60.286 |
HY/2023/06 | Replacement of Structure Lighting with Light Emitting Diode in Sham Shui Po District (NEC4 ECC Option B) | 17/7/2024 | Bestwise Envirotech Limited | Specialist (Industrial Type Electrical Installation) | 13.494 |
HY/2023/08 | Central Kowloon Route – Remaining Works (NEC4 ECC Option C, BIM) | 15/7/2024 | Build King - Tung Lee Joint Venture | RD Group C | 829.910 |
HY/2023/18 | Walkway Covers connecting to Grantham Hospital at Wong Chuk Hang and Haven of Hope Hospital at Tseung Kwan O (NEC4 ECC Option A, BIM) | 08/05/2024 | Hang Kee Development Company Limited | RD Group A&B | 41.989 |
HY/2022/18 | Improvement Works at Tsuen Tsing Interchange (NEC4 ECC Option C, BIM) | 08/04/2024 | Lanon - Sinohydro Joint Venture | RD Group C | 360.653 |
HY/2023/13 | Implementation of Roadside Safety Enhancement Measures for Major Roads and Tunnels - Batch 1 (NEC4 TSC Option A) | 18/03/2024 | CR Construction Company Limited | RD Group A&B | 43.972 |
03/HY/2023 | Highways Department Term Contract (Management and Maintenance of Roads in Sha Tin, Sai Kung and Islands Districts excluding Expressways and High Speed Roads 2024-2029) (NEC4 TSC Option A) | 11/03/2024 | Sun Fook Kong (Civil) Limited | RD Group C | 1077.380 |
02/HY/2023 | Highways Department Term Contract (Management and Maintenance of Roads in Kowloon East excluding Expressways and High Speed Roads 2024-2029) (NEC4 TSC Option A) | 08/03/2024 | SFK - ASL Joint Venture | RD Group C | 789.400 |
HY/2023/15 | Structural Maintenance Works of Shenzhen Bay Bridge (Hong Kong Section), Contract 2 (NEC4 ECC Option A) | 29/02/2024 | Freyssinet - Richwell Civil Joint Venture | Specialist | 494.358 |
17/HY/2023 | Highways Department Term Contract (Landscape Works in Kowloon East, Sha Tin, Sai Kung and Islands Districts excluding Expressways and High Speed Roads 2023-2026) | 24/01/2024 | Toyo Greenland Company Limited | Specialist (Landscaping) | 25.650 |
HY/2023/16 | Tsing Yi - Lantau Link - Marine Ground Investigation (NEC4 ECC Option B) | 12/01/2024 | Fugro Geotechnical Services Limited | Specialist | 46.130 |
# REMARKS: Contract Sum for NEC contracts refers to the forecast total of the Prices which is equal to the sum of the tendered total of the Prices, the contingency sums and the provisional sums specified in the recommended tender.