Tender Notice for publication on the Internet

Tender Details

Tender Reference Procuring Department Subject Estimated quantity Closing
Time / Date
Contract No. HY/2010/09
(Public Works Programme Item No. 829TH)
Highways Department Improvement and Extension of Kam Pok Road Not applicable 12:00 noon on Friday, 13 May 2011


The works mainly comprise: -
  1. construction of a single two-lane carriageway of approximately 490 m in length and 10.3 m in width with associated footpaths of 2 m in width connecting the existing Kam Pok Road to Castle Peak Road (Tam Mi);
  2. improvement of a section of Kam Pok Road of approximately 145 m in length (east of Pok Wai South Road) to a single two-lane carriageway of 10.3 m in width with associated footpaths of 2 m in width;
  3. improvement of a road section of approximately 155 m in length between Yau Pok Road and Man Yuen Road to a single two-lane carriageway of 7.3 m in width with associated footpaths of 2 m in width;
  4. construction of sections of cycle tracks of 360 m in length and 3.5 m in width along a section of Kam Pok Road;
  5. and associated works including drainage, water supplies, slope and landscaping , noise barriers and lighting.
The works are expected to commence in June 2011 and will take about 33 months (including 12 months Establishment Period for landscaping works) to complete.

Submission of Tenders

Tenders must be clearly marked with the tender reference and the subject of the tender on the outside of the envelope (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer) addressed to the Chairman, Central Tender Board and placed in the Government Secretariat Tender Box situated in the lift lobby on the Lower Ground Floor of the Central Government Offices (East Wing), 20 Lower Albert Road (at its junction with Garden Road), Hong Kong, before 12.00 noon on Friday, 13 May 2011. Late tenders will not be accepted.